"Thank you for taking care of my bride, peasants."
First morning back at home. Unfortunately I was as sore as this morning. Both legs. I put it down to either a) the bed b) the pillow(s) or c) new routine. Quite possibly it's a combination of all three. Kept waking up with pains in my knee. But I think I got a decent amount of sleep anyway. Really sore in the morning.
Unfortunately, no cereal so improvisation was required. I tried to get up and do my new do my own brekkie routine but didn't really pan out that way. I was able to do most of the rest of my routine though. Showered without too much problem - basically there's much less room to manoeveur than Mum and Dads, but I was able to do it. Otherwise the bathroom is set up ok. I struggled with my injection this morning, really didn't want to go in.
Did my exercises. Mum and Dad came through and we kinda sorted going to see a film.
We watched another couple of episodes of Dexter Season 2. What a soap opera this is turning into. It's watchable, but is becoming more predictable, more conventional as it goes along. The status is that Dexter is now sleeping with Lyla after being bumped and then asked back by Rita. Dexter has basically stopped killing (although he does kill his copycvat which makes little sense) and now considers himself some kind of superhero (there are references abound, the comic book store was nicely put together and I'm just waiting for Dex and Lyla to start killing together). There was at least a cute dream/line that Dexter had where he was dressed up as a super hero. Rita now his her mum there and she's suspicious. And we Doakes who was suspicious then wasn't but now is again. And Dexter has filed a complaint against him to Maria. Maria, of course, set up the other woman by sleeping with her fiancee and then it comes up she slept with Doakes as well. Deb has supposedly now found the perfect man but is having naughty thoughts about a man old enough to be father (or is that what she wants?). It's still well written, well made and well performed, but seems to have lost its edge (and its nerve for that matter) now. And I've just worked out Rita's mum is JoBeth Williams - you're an idiot!

Enchanted was a suprisingly lovely, entertaining piece of fluff. I was surprised because Disney haven't really made a live action film this good since, possibly the eighties or even seventies. It's no masterpiece, but it's well written, very well made and well performed. I think the keys here are the writer, Bill Kelly, who has written what appears to be an original, albeit Disney sanctioned script, the director, Kevin Lima, who keeps things moving at a snappy pace, and very rarely falls into predictable cliche and star, Amy Adams who truly shines as Giselle. She has that rare gift of natural beauty combined with intellligence and a goofy charm. She is competently supported by Patrick Dempsey and James Marsden. Timothy Spall and Susan Sarandon especially are under-used (Sarandon is too quickly turned into a giant dragon, that is, while Phil Tippett cool, a waste of her talents and seems one of the few real cliches of the film, to have a special effects finale). The film clearly cost Disney a lot of money and it shows - from the multiple New York locations with teams of extras to the practical and computer animated effects. The hand drawn animation is crude, but serves its purpose (in a nice touch it is in 4:3 then extends out to 2.35:1 for the live action) and nicely setups up many of the situations to grace the film in the third act. Some of the elements are too cute to really work (am I the only person sick of chipmunks?) but overall this is an engaging, witty and heartfelt movie for the whole family. Oh, and it has a really nice feminist bent that even Joss Whedon should be proud of! Oh and Rick Baker does a really great Old Hag makeup on Sarandon.

I watched Apocalypto. I really wanted to like this film. The film looks absolutely stunning. On BD with cinematography by the great Dean Semler using HD cameras it looks gorgeous - not a hint of grain, everything crystal clear, strong colors (mostly green, but some striking use of blue and even white!) and the most amazing small detail you've ever seen. The story is a compelling one and due to the complete subtitling the film is very much visual storytelling (which I always like). The dialogue while occassionally contempary, is never offputting and doesn't strike you as wrong noted at any time (as they say on the commentary, how would the average person know how the Mayan's spoke?). The film is very well acted by what appears to be a cast of complete amateurs. My problem is with Mel Gibson - and we all know he has problems. Like Passion Of The Christ and even Braveheart before it, the man is as subtle as a fucking sledgehammer. He constantly pushes your face into the most dispicable violence. He tells us within the first fifteen minutes of the film, yes, these are an incredibly violent people. At that point he should settled down and let the story carry the film. Any violence after this should be used sparingly, subtly (The Last Of The Mohicans is a simialr film that is much more judicious in its use of base violence). But NOOOOO, Gibson constantly smashes your face into the violence. Time and time again. At some point, it wore me down so much I basically gave up. Sure I kept watching the film, it is such a compelling story. But the violence had numbed me, in a way densensitised me to the point where I was going "oh, another uber violent moment, ok". Thats a shame, this could have been a really great film!

Had an accident on the toilet tonight, so I struggled a little. Did my blog and did a little internet surfing. Unfortunately that included more DVD buying on Amazon - I can't help myself can I? And now it's just on midnight! So good night!!
Breakfast: 2 toast. Fruit salad Smoothie.
Lunch: Cabbage soup with toast
Dinner: Chorizo salad.
Exercise: 2 physio
Back Pain: None
Labels: Apocalypto, Dexter, Enchanted, Recovery