Shaun Of The Dead (DVD Review)
off to Sydney tomorrow for work but thought I'd post a couple of quick reviews before I head off. watched a couple of vids the other night. first up was Shaun Of The Dead. after Land Of The Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Night Of The Living Dead Part 3 et al its heartening to see a flick not take itself seriously but deliver in rockin' style all the basic requirements to make a top film. Beer belly humour? Check. Gory innards? Check. Heartwarming mother-son relationships? Check. Appearances by actors from The Office? Check. Gratuitous swearing? Check.
This is balls out funny. It reminded me of a typical Friday night drinks with plenty of booze, babes and brown liquid. It gets quite warm and fuzzy and just before you can yell "Bambi" someones head gets shot off, or their guts get torn out. Meanders like a drunk driver in a couple of spots, but is otherwise tight, well-constructed and superior entertainment.
Theres some extras which I haven't watched yet, but apparently the commentary with the filmmakers is the highlight. Trivia note: the two filmmakers are zombie extras in George Romero's recent Land Of The Dead. Is this two-way fandom?
Favorite scene is when Shaun and Ed argue over what old LP's to decapitate zombies with:
"Purple Rain?" "No!" Sign O' The Times?" "Definetly not!" "The Batman soundtrack?" "Throw it"

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